Friday 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wishing all of our customers and suppliers a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

New Website

Legacy Habitat Management are pleased to announce the launch of their new website @:

Please have a browse, we welcome your feedback.

Hopefully this new site will service us well over the coming years and develop over time.

Don't forget to 'Follow' us on Twitter and 'Like' us on Facebook

Tuesday 2 August 2011

New: Electric Fencing available from

We are pleased to announce that we are now an authorised dealer for Gallagher electric fencing products through our retail arm:

We can supply all the products from the Gallagher range on a next day delivery, items including:
  • Mains, battery & solar powered energisers
  • Posts
  • Conductors
  • Insulators
for all stock fencing, horse fencing, badger fencing, poultry fencing and other applications.

We will be adding products to our website shortly but in the meantime, please call us on:
0114 261 9478
or email:

where we would be happy to discuss your requirements and provide prices for all products available from the Gallagher Electric Fencing Catalogue 2011.

Monday 28 February 2011

Legacy Tree 10 year Anniversary.

The original Legacy tree photo (shown on the left) that appears on much of our stationary and marketing material was taken about 10 years ago. As a 10 year anniversary of this photo, Matt Dixon, our Managing Director revisited the tree to see how it was getting on. The photo on the right is how it looks today.

The tree itself is a mature Oak, located on the Chatsworth estate, Derbyshire, just outside the Chatsworth House grounds towards Pilsley on the B6012. The grounds of Chatsworth House were extensively landscaped by Lancelot "Capability" Brown in the late 1700's and planted with a mixture of native and non-native tree species. Unfortunately, it is not known whether the Legacy Tree was part of these works, or is indeed this old.

The tree is fairing well, despite a couple of broken dead limbs on the lower reaches, but otherwise looks to be in a good healthy condition. The 2 photos above were taken at slightly different angles, and at different times of year, hence the lack of foliage on the later photo. 

The tree has now become a bit of an old friend amongst Legacy staff and their families. Matt's children often point it out from the car window, if they ever drive past that way, the eldest being about the same age as the original photo.

Let's hope that the tree continues in good health well in to the future.

Friday 21 January 2011

Purchasing Online at

In a move to be able to offer our customers more competitive shipping costs for delivery of products ordered at, we have temporarily switched off the online payment part of the ordering process.

Products can still be ordered online via the website, we will then contact the customer directly by telephone to arrange payment, shipping charges and delivery. This has been done so that we can tailor a shipping method from one of our couriers that suits the size, weight and type of products ordered.

We can accept payment from all major credit cards over the phone or arrange an account (subject to terms & conditions).