Wednesday, 30 May 2012

GCN Success Story from Cheshire

Our recent great crested newt fencing works in conjunction with Whitcher Wildlife in Beeston, Cheshire has produced some very pleasing results in terms of species rescued from the site.

Temporary Newt Fencing installed.
Caudon Temporary Newt Fencing and stock
fencing installed at Beeston, Cheshire.

1.4Km of Great crested newt mitigation fencing as well as 1.5Km of stock fencing was erected along the railway embankment of the site. This was to enable essential works to stabilise the embankments without endangering resident amphibian & reptile populations.

At the time of writing 2,103 Great Crested Newts have been collected from the location of the works, along with numbers of Smooth Newts, Frogs, Toads, and a couple of Grass Snakes.

Collected species are being translocated to adjacent suitable habitat away from the proposed works.

Thanks to Derek of Whitcher Wildlife for keeping us updated on news from the site and for acting as a sponsor for our PTS training.

Monday, 14 May 2012

New Yard - Filling Up

Our new storage yard is now complete and is slowly filling up with timber materials.
Although so far materials are swamped by the slightly overwhelming size of the yard, I'm sure we'll soon manage to fill it.

Finishing off the perimeter fence

Completed perimeter with a lone pallet of stakes in the distance.

Stock of timber arriving in yard

We hope that this will enable us to carry more timber materials in stock, providing a faster turn around of timber stakes and other materials to our customers. This also frees up more space in our main warehouse for other stock and equipment and makes better, more efficient use of all storage space.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Ongoing Training & Development

Legacy Habitat Management Ltd continue to invest in staff training & development.

Jarek and Darek recently acquired PA1 and PA6 W for herbicide application, Rob and Darek are in the process of training for their trailer tests (B+E) and later this month all site staff are sitting the PTS initial training for working on rail schemes.

Many thanks to Whitcher Wildlife Ltd for being our sponsor for this.


Legacy Habitat Management is developing it's storage capacity in the adjacent yard to the offices and warehouse adding 6000 square feet to our operations. This space will be used to develop timber fencing storage both for our projects and retail/internet sales through wildlifefencing.

We are installing 2.3m palisade security fencing around the yard (after getting planning permission) with double steel gates and drop kerb for forklift access.

Photo shows the first stage of palisade fencing installation.